
3D Accelerometer

  • Acceleration (dynamic) / Tilt (static)
  • 3-axis X / Y / Z
  • Forward-backward / Left-right / Up-down
  • Gestures, impacts, percussion, speed variation, interactive gloves
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Turn movement into interactive performances !

This sensor is available in 2 versions : one with 2-axes and one with 3-axes, and can be used as an accelerometer or an inclinometer.

It is described in much greater detail on the 2D SENSOR page.

An example of simultaneous data on three axes.

Données d'accéléromètre 3D

Data returned by the sensor (3 axes), here displayed over time.
Measured movements correspond to an 8-shaped pattern in the air.

Technical details

Schema des dimensions des accelerometres 3D

Special application: taut wires

Several different sensors can be used to determine if and how a tensioned wire has been touched. One of these is the accelerometer, which detects pinches, scrapes and shocks.

Comparative detection over taut wires by Interface-z


Each axis has two settings to adjust the sensor's response to its intended use:

  • Gain, representing the sensor's sensitivity to variations in movement or inclination;
  • Zero, or resting level, which is the value the sensor gives when horizontal, flat and motionless.

The gain setting is on the side with the three pin connectors.

The zero setting is on the other side of the board, towards the empty edge.

Disposition des réglages de l'accéléro

The following diagram shows the rotation direction of the adjustment potentiometers.

Choix du gain et du niveau de repos



Simple sensors

A presentation of the settings for simple sensors that return analog data.

Download (198.61k)


Quick start : what to know to choose, set and use our accelerometer / inclinometer sensor !

Download (378.24k)

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